23x.net Ltd
Webhosting and Unix systems administration
We host websites, fix servers and generally look after stuff that keeps websites alive. We also refer to ourselves in the first person plural even though there's only one of us. We take photos, write for role-playing games and cover motorcycle racing, but you're probably looking for the website stuff or that post I made a decade ago about Munchy Boxes
About Me

I'm Jared Earle, a self-employed Unix Systems Administrator, and this is my company website and personal blog. I look after Unix servers and web hosting for a variety of clients and one day I'll get round to a testimonials page.

I write for SLA Industries by Nightfall Games and cover World Superbike racing for MotoMatters. I also take photos of things.Â

This site used to be a blog, started way back in 2000, but it relaunched with a post about the Munchy Box and is now a corporate homepage. How stuff changes, eh?